2012 got off to an interesting start with several offers of work in Kabul, whilst it's not my first choice of locations, there's no denying it's always an interesting place to be.
On the lighter side, I've been working more with Jennifer Saunders, both at her home in Devon and in Ireland where we spent a few days with a horse dealer called Richard Sheane, much fun was had, much Guinness was drunk, and many horses were met. It turns out Jennifer is a big fan of my old work on Most Haunted!
Last week I worked on a project about internet trolls with TV's Richard Bacon, it'll be on BBC3 before you know it.
This week I've been suffering quietly at home with a stinking cold, but the dog still needs walking and the garage still needs tidying, no rest for the (not particularly) wicked.......
On the lighter side, I've been working more with Jennifer Saunders, both at her home in Devon and in Ireland where we spent a few days with a horse dealer called Richard Sheane, much fun was had, much Guinness was drunk, and many horses were met. It turns out Jennifer is a big fan of my old work on Most Haunted!
Last week I worked on a project about internet trolls with TV's Richard Bacon, it'll be on BBC3 before you know it.
This week I've been suffering quietly at home with a stinking cold, but the dog still needs walking and the garage still needs tidying, no rest for the (not particularly) wicked.......